Consulting for Patients, Professionals & Organizations

Patient Consultation

Our medical team provides comprehensive one-time medical consultations to patients who are non-members

For patients who need a comprehensive review and synthesis of their medical status, our medical team provides an in-depth, one-time medical consultation at the clinic. Advantages include:

  • Prior to the visit, the clinic's expert staff will help collect all relevant prior medical records, as well as clinical information from the patient. They will also set up phone conversations between our physicians and the patient's current outpatient team, so that superb communication of prior medical and mental health care is achieved.

  • At the visit, the patient and family members (when desired) will participate in a session with your physician in which a detailed history, physical exam, and discussion of prior records will help tell the whole story of the patient's health.

  • By the end of the visit, the patient will have a thorough medical assessment, recommendations as to next steps, and will have had the chance to ask questions and share concerns.

  • Our team will share their assessment and summary with all outpatient clinicians, as authorized by the patient.

  • When desired, our medical team can use the results of this encounter to make individualized recommendations and advocate for entrance into higher levels of care.

  • The fee for the one-time comprehensive evaluation can be applied toward annual membership if the patient should decide they wish to continue seeing our physicians as a member of the clinic.

Professional Case Consultation

We are currently forming an interest list for consultation (both group and individual) for fall 2023. Please reach out to to learn more and add your name to the interest list.

Consultation with the Gaudiani Clinic is available to professionals. Clinicians in private practice without the benefit of an experienced physician are missing a vital member of the multidisciplinary team. Our physicians offer several levels of professional consultation, including group and individual, for dietitians, therapists, psychiatrists, and other medical professionals who would benefit from case consultation. When consultation is regarding a specific individual, this individual is welcome to be part of the consultation should this be helpful. Consultation is billed as 90 minutes with 30 minutes reserved for record/document/case review prior to the professional consultation and 60 minutes for professional consultation and discussion.

Consultation Rates:

Dr. Gaudiani: $1,000/hr.
Dr. Robbins: $400/hr.
Dr. Lischke: $400/hr.
Dr. Das: $400/hr.
Abby Brockman, RN: $200/hr.

Contact us for more details

Organizational Membership

Benefits of our physicians' consultative services to inpatient, residential, and partial hospitalization programs include:

  • Improving intake assessment strategies to assure the safety of clients being accepted, including second opinions of complex cases

  • Helping reduce liability from medical complications that might occur during treatment

  • Advising on the creation of strategies for optimal medical management of issues such as digestive health, laxative abuse, gastroparesis, bone density, edema, hypoglycemia, organ failure, etc.

  • Providing detailed staff trainings for nurses, registered dietitians, therapists, and other treatment team members

  • Helping nurses implement medical management programs that are patient-oriented and true to programs' cultures

  • Updating standard work forms related to patient assessments

  • Optimizing documentation to exceed expectations in the context of clinical communication and for insurance review clarity