By Elissa Rosen, MD, CEDS-S

The CDC recently updated its recommendation regarding the widespread use of masks when in public spaces. Previously, the CDC advised against the use of masks except in those who were actively ill. Last week the CDC announced that in addition to social distancing measures everyone should wear a cloth face mask/covering when out in public. It was emphasized that medical grade masks should be reserved for healthcare providers given ongoing shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE). The rationale behind this change is due to increasing evidence that there is more asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 than previously thought. Cloth masks may not prevent the virus from “getting in” (i.e., you can still be infected), but may prevent some amount of the virus from “getting out” (i.e., asymptomatically infected people spreading the virus). If you find yourself needing to go out to a more enclosed public space like the grocery store or the doctor’s office, in addition to keeping your distance from people, we recommend wearing a cloth mask that covers your mouth and nose. Be sure to wash the mask after each use and remember that masks are not fully protective, so social distancing remains the primary practice to prevent viral spread.