By Elissa Rosen, MD, CEDS-S

The story of how I came to be a physician with a specialty in eating disorders is really one of chance. Like many doctors in training, I learned little about eating disorders, particularly the medical aspects of them, while in medical school. Then I decided to pack my bags, move from sunny Florida, to sunny (surprise, it is really sunny here too!) Denver, Colorado for my internal medicine training and that single decision altered my career path to what it is today. This, however, is not a story about how I came to have this expertise, but rather a reflection on the gratitude I have for working in this field. For those who do not know me well, I also love pop culture. In the fashion of David Letterman, here is a list of my top 3 reasons I love working in this field:

3. I am always learning.

As a lover of learning, this field certainly fills that cup for me. I am constantly learning from treatment team providers that are experts in their fields such as all the wonderful dietitians, therapists, and psychiatrists I have had the pleasure of working with over the years. I, of course, also learn from all the amazing research that is being published every day. Most importantly, I learn the most from my patients. As an internal medicine doctor getting into the field of eating disorders, I had and still have a lot to learn from my patients.

2. Paying it forward

Since I’ve had the opportunity to learn from so many wonderful professionals, patients, and families over the year, I love paying that knowledge forward and teaching others what I have learned. Knowledge is power, and I hope by sharing my knowledge I can help those suffering from eating disorders get better medical care.

1.     The patients

Hands down, the best part of my job. I have met so many brave and amazing people over the years that I have worked in this field. I am so grateful to all those who have entrusted me with their care and been open to allowing me to be a part of their eating disorder recovery journey.