Navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic with a HAES Mindset
By Sarah-Ashley Robbins, MD

The COVID-19 pandemic has rocked our world. It’s caused unprecedented stress and anxiety, contributed to record high unemployment, cancelled life celebration events like weddings, funerals and birthday parties and made us all feel uneasy about our futures. Unfortunately, what has also come up in response to the pandemic from the dieting, “wellness” and social media industries is the “COVID 15” with inappropriate memes disguised as comedy demoralizing certain bodies and body changes. The last thing anyone needs to be concerned about right now is guilt or shame related to how our bodies are responding to the pandemic. Food is a source of comfort and, in a world where many of our comforts have been taken away, we should not feel guilty about gaining comfort from food. We all deserve some grace. Be gentle and kind to yourselves and others. Take care of yourselves during this tumultuous time and nourish your beautiful bodies.